About Classes
Throughout the year, the Loft offers hundreds of in-person, online, and youth classes in standard genres like poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as offerings in numerous other offerings including creativity, the business side of writing, and genre specifics like mystery, romance, and screenwriting to name a few.
Whether you write novels or sestinas, memoir or 'zines, movies or blogs you’ll find a class just right for you at the Loft.
Give us a call at 612-379-8999 or via email at [email protected] and one of the Education Associates will help you out right away!
Loft teaching artists are experienced, professional writers. More importantly, they are committed to working with a wide range of writers—from new writers building their confidence to experienced writers ready to hone their craft and seek publication.
Learn everything there is to know about how Loft classes work— including our code of conduct and our cancellation and refund policies—all in one handy, downloadable PDF document.
If not now, when? The Loft offers intensive year-long opportunities to help you finish your work-in-progress in genres such as fiction, creative nonfiction/memoir, and poetry.
Learn more about the upcoming cohorts below!
The Loft is committed to making its programs and facilities welcoming and accessible to everyone in the literary community.
If tuition is a barrier for you, the Loft has limited Access Funds to help offset the cost of classes and programming. Learn more and apply to join on our Access Funds page.
The Loft offers classes aimed at youth all year round, with the bulk of our offerings taking place in the fall and summer. Classes are designed for youth of all abilities and focus on developing a lifelong passion for storytelling, reading, and writing. Most classes break down into age ranges of 6–8; 9–11; 12–14; 13–17; and 15–17. Winter/Spring Youth classes are live!
These classes cover the issues and traditions of writers of color and Indigenous writers and is intended for writers of color and Indigenous writers to work on their craft in a space that centers them and their work.
Check out our staff recommendations, teaching artist publications, and literature that our classes reference!