Accessibility at the Loft
Do you have a disability or a need for accommodation?
The Loft is committed to making its programs and facilities accessible to all.
Below you’ll find some of the accommodations we can offer. Please complete this simple request form to let us know what you need.
It can take time to make arrangements, so, if possible, give us 2-3 weeks advance notice. Someone will reach out to you if there are questions and to confirm your accommodation. If you have questions, contact Beth Schoeppler, the Loft’s Accessibility Coordinator, at [email protected] or 612-215-2580.
Individuals who are blind or affected by vision loss
- Large print programs or materials
- Braille programs or materials
Assistance completing submissions for awards, mentorships, job applications, or class proposals
Individuals who are deaf or affected by hearing loss
- Assistive Listening Devices
- Sign Language Interpretation
- Captioning
Reserved seating in full sight of presenter
Individuals with mobility limitations
- Accessible Entrances
- Accessible Seating (please notify us if you have specific seating needs, for example, in front or near a door.)
- Accessible Restrooms
Accessible Parking
Other Accessibility Information
You are welcome to bring a trained service animal to any Loft program. If you plan on bringing a service animal to class, please let us know any instructions you would like us to convey to your teaching artist or classmates.
We ask that students and event attendees refrain from wearing strong scents.
We make every effort to provide alternatives for people with dietary restrictions when applicable.
We can provide chairs with or without arms and with or without wheels. Please reach out if you need information about table height or chair specifications
We are also happy to provide support for neurodiverse students and attendees.
The Rachel Vaughn Fund helps the Loft make accessibility a reality.
Please contact the Loft if you have any questions or requests regarding accessibility.