Manuscript CritiqueBriana Y. Gwin — BA or MFA applications; résumés; writing portfolios; residency/fellowship/retreat applications; artist statements
Open to: BA or MFA applications; résumés; writing portfolios; residency, retreat, and/or fellowship statements of purpose; artist statements
Praise from Past Clients: “I’m so grateful to Briana for her work as a writing mentor. Her input has moved me toward a clearer vision of what I am trying to do in my writing. It was so helpful to have the viewpoint of someone who has so much editorial experience, so different from the responses of other writers. Also I was overall just impressed by her ability to combine positivity and encouragement with astute criticism.” —Elsie M., writing mentee
What You’ll Submit: MFA application personal statements and/or statements of purpose; residency, retreat, and/or fellowship statements of purpose; artist statements; advanced degree or writing program application materials; resumés; writing portfolios
What You’ll Get: A combination of light editorial and grammar-based suggestions in addition to a written summary of all technical and substantive notes formed in review.
Critique Details: Just as I believe writers should aspire to be infinitely curious, so, too, should their mentor—leading with openness and genuine curiosity, a good mentor leaves room to allow themselves to learn and grow while they teach. When curiosity is mutual, the often-limited dynamic of a teacher and a student is subverted. We engage, instead, in a reciprocal relationship of learning and developing that is profoundly enriching for both parties, and extends as good will and willingness toward others in our future interactions.
College/MFA applications: $20/page
Residency/retreat/workshop applications: $20/page
Resumés: $75
Please note that pages must be formatted with a standard manuscript format of 12pt serif font, double spaced with no less than 1in margins. If poetry is part of the submission, each poem must begin on a new page.