Locker Room Talk: Women in Private Spaces

Margret Aldrich
January 14, 2021

Locker Room Talk: Women in Private Spaces

An anthology to be published by Spout Press in 2021

About this book

“Locker room talk”: that is how Donald Trump and others have characterized horrific comments about women and sexual assault. Beyond the initial abhorrence of those words, however, is the hint of a darker, more deeply ingrained expectation: the belief that private spaces grant men the permission, opportunity, and license to be their worst selves.

Contrast that with the way women typically experience private spaces: among family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers; in locker rooms, dressing rooms, salons, public restrooms, and other private spaces, there is a sense of intimacy and comfort that often inspires women to communicate and engage with each other authentically. The intent of this anthology is to mirror and simulate, through the written word, that same dynamic: writers are invited to share their own individual thoughts, experiences, and interactions with women in private spaces to reflect that same sense of community. 

We are seeking to create an inclusive anthology which reflects the diverse range of experiences of those who identify as women. Creative nonfiction, essay, flash fiction and poetry submissions are welcome. Please limit submissions to 2,500 words.

Submissions can be sent to [email protected] and will be accepted until March 31, 2021. Please put ‘Locker Room Talk’ in the subject line. 

Contributors will receive two copies of the finished book; proceeds from the sales of this title will be donated to Her Next Play (

Michelle Filkins and Margret Aldrich, editors 

Spout Press